Landing Page


Table of Contents

Landing pages are standalone web pages designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as generating leads, promoting a product or service, or driving conversions. In this article, we’ll discuss what landing pages are, the different types of landing pages, and provide examples of effective landing page wireframes and final designs.

What are Landing Pages?

A landing page is a standalone web page designed with a specific goal in mind, such as generating leads, promoting a product or service, or driving conversions. Unlike a website’s homepage, which is designed to provide a broad overview of a business or organization, a landing page is focused on a single offer or call-to-action. Landing pages are often used in digital marketing campaigns, such as email marketing or PPC advertising, to drive traffic to a specific offer or conversion point.

Types of Landing Pages

There are several types of landing pages, including:

  1. Lead Generation Landing Pages: Designed to capture user information, such as email addresses, in exchange for an offer or resource.
  2. Click-Through Landing Pages: Designed to pre-sell a product or service and provide additional information before sending users to a product or service page.
  3. Sales Landing Pages: Designed to drive conversions by providing all the necessary information about a product or service and a clear call-to-action.
  4. Event Registration Landing Pages: Designed to promote and collect registrations for events, such as webinars, conferences, or workshops.

Examples of Effective Landing Pages

Here are some examples of effective landing page wireframes and final designs:

  1. Lead Generation Landing Page: This landing page for a marketing agency uses a simple, clean design and offers a free guide in exchange for user information.


Final Design:

  1. Click-Through Landing Page: This landing page for a fashion brand uses vibrant imagery and provides additional information about a new product before sending users to the product page.


Final Design:

  1. Sales Landing Page: This landing page for a software product uses a clear value proposition and a simple, easy-to-use design to drive conversions.


Final Design:


Landing pages are a critical component of digital marketing campaigns, providing a focused and specific call-to-action for users. By understanding the different types of landing pages and best practices for design and layout, businesses and organizations can create effective landing pages that drive conversions and generate leads.


  1. “Landing Pages: The Ultimate Guide.” Hubspot. Accessed October 5, 2021.
  2. “The Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page.” Unbounce. Accessed October 5, 2021.

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